Online Physical Literacy workshops
- Nov 17,2021
Meath LSP have partnered with Sport Ireland Coaching to host online Physical Literacy workshops which offers participants the chance to learn more about why physical activity is so important to children and how we can do more to encourage it.
The workshop brings together findings from national and international research that highlights the need to increase children’s levels of physical literacy as part of the long-term approach to increasing wellbeing and reducing levels of preventable disease.This module is an interactive 2 hour workshop which will enable participants to understand the following:
• Importance of Physical Activity for Children
• What is meant by the physical literacy learning journey
• Rationale behind the physical literacy journey – ‘Road Map’ that can be used by anyone who guides children along their physical literacy learning journey
• How can one contribute to its development in the children and young people with whom they interact at home and in the community
• Organise safe, purposeful and meaningful physical activities for all children
Please note: participants must be 18yrs+. Course fee is €10 per person. Suitable for coaches of children in any sport!
To book see: https://eventmaster.ie/event/kwr1sK2TA2 or for more information contact Una at upearson@meathcoco.ie